Australian Greyhound Racing

Border Park Greyhound Racing Track

Border Park Dog Track
The Border Park Greyhound Racing Track at Tweed heads is currently rated as oen of the fastest greyhound tracks in Australia today. Car parking is available at the grounds. Camping facilities ad kennelling facilities are available for travelling trainers and greyhounds.

Bookmakers and Totes operate at the track. Video replays are available to owners and trainers.

Border Park has bistro and snack bar facilities available for meals, snacks and refreshments.
Border Park Greyhound Racing Club
Border Park Greyhound Track

PO Box 77
Tweed Heads NSW 2485

07 5536 4555
07 5536 6894
Track Details
Kikuyu Grass
Electric Lure
420m, 520m, 652
Racing Information
Race meetings are held on Saturday afternoons. There is a veterinary service available at race meetings. The kennel block is two-tiered and is air conditioned.

The Club holds a recess of 1 to 2 weeks at the end of September each year.
Nominations for race meetings close at 8.00am on the Tuesday before race meetings.
Kennelling Time
Kennelling times for races 1 to 5 are from 12.00pm until 12.30pm and for races 6 to 10 are from 12.30pm until 1.00pm for the first race at 1.30 pm.
Public trials are available on Tuesday mornings from 7.30am. Trials are available over all distances and can be taken as solo or half field.