Australian Greyhound Racing

Ipswich Greyhound Racing Track

Ipswich Dog Track
The Ipswich Greyhound Racing Track is located at the Showgrounds at Ipswich. Car parking is available in the grounds as well as camping facilities for traveling trainers. Please note that arangements for camping shoudl be made with the Ipswich Show Society.

The track offers full TAB facilites at race meetings as well as video replays of all races at the track with Tuesday and Wednesday racing being televised on Sky Channel. Videos of races are avaiable as required.

The complex also offers take away food and a restaurnt for all patrons to enjoy.
Ipswich Greyhound Racing Club
Ipswich Greyhound Track

Warwick Rd
Ipswich QLD 4305

PO Box 234
Booval QLD 4304

07 3202 2977
07 3202 2510
Track Details
Cable Lure
431m, 512m, 630
Racing Information
Race meetings are held on Tuesday and Wednesdy nights with full veterinary services available. The kennels are two-tiered and are air conditioned.
Nominations for Tuesday race meetings close at 9.00pm on Tuesday nights at the club, and at 8.30am on Thursday mornings at the GRA.

Nominations for Wednesday race meetings close at 9.00pm on Wednesday nights at the club, and at 8.30am on Friday mornings at the GRA.
Kennelling Time
Kennelling times are the same for both race days, with races 1 to 5 from 4.45pm until 5.15pm and races 6 to 10 from 5.15pm until 5.45pm.
Public trials are conducted from 6.00pm on Thursday evenings with solo trials being conducted from 7.00am on Thursday mornings. Trials are over distances of either 431m or 630m and can be be into the catching pen or onto the arm.