Australian Greyhound Racing

Wentworth Park Greyhound Racing Track

Wentworth Park Dog Track
The Wentworth Park racing curcuit is considered to be the showpeice of New South Wales greayhound racing. It's first-class amenities include a two-level grandstand allowing each patron an uninterupted view of the entire racing track from any seat. The grounds also have excelent catering facilities with a snack bar, bistro and restaurant all on ground.

Car parking is available inside and outside of the grounds. Wentworth Park does not offer any camping or kennelling facilities.

Full bookmaker and TAB facilities are available for all races, with races being shown by Sky Channel. Vidoe replays of all reaces are shown, and are also available to owneres or trainers.
Wentworth Park Greyhound Racing Club
Wentworth Park Greyhound Track

Locked Bag 1700
Lidcombe NSW 2141

02 9646 5711
02 9646 5455

Track Details
Cable Lure
380m, 520m, 720m, 959
Racing Information
Race meetings are held on Monday and Saturday nights with full vetrinary services available for all races.
Nominations for racing close on the Tuesday before race days at the GRA (NSW)
Kennelling Time
Kennelling times for races 1 to 5 are from 6.00pm until 6.20pm with races 6 to 10 from 6.20pm until 6.45pm. The first race is held at around 7.30pm.
Trials are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Tuesday sees arm trials from 8.15am until 9.00am and ordinary trials from 7.30am until 8.15am

Thursday seels arm trials from 7.00pm until 8.30pm and ordinary trials from 5.30om until 7.00pm.

All trials must be booked and tickets purchased before 6.30pm