Australian Greyhound Racing

Wauchope Greyhound Racing Track

Wauchope Dog Track
The Wauchope Greyhound Racing Track is located on the outskirts of the Wauchope township. Car parking is available inside the grounds. Camping and kennelling facilities are avialable for travelling trainers and greyhounds.

Bookmakers are available at reace meetings for all forms of betting. Video replays are available for owners and trainers as required.

The track hosts a bar and kiosk for refreshments and snacks.
Wauchope Greyhound Racing Club
Wauchope Greyhound Track

PO Box 184
Wauchope NSW 2446

02 6585 1689
02 6585 2483
Track Details
Mechanical Lure
384m, 457m, 722
Racing Information
Race meetings are held on Saturday days and Saturday nights. Ther is no veterinary service available for race meetings. The kennels are two-tiered and are not air conditioned.
Nominations for race meetings close at 5.00pm on the Tuesday before racing.
Kennelling Time
Kennelling times for day meetings are from 11.15am until 12.15pm for the first race at 1.00pm and for night meetings are from 5.45pm until 6.45pm for the first race at 7.30pm.
Publci trials are available from 8.30am on Sunday mornings and Monday nights form 7.00pm over all distances. Four-dog trials are held after race meetings only.

Private trials are available by appointment with the club.