Australian Greyhound Racing

Nowra Greyhound Racing Track

Nowra Dog Track
The Nowra Greyhound Racing Track is situated on Albatross Rd at Nowra and is aprt of the Nowra Racing Complex. This complex also houses the Thouroughbred horse racing track, the harness racing track and the speedway track.

The comples offers full on-course TAB facilities. The comples also offers dining facilities with a snack bar tha tis open all night and an on-course licenced bar.
Nowra Greyhound Racing Club
Nowra Greyhound Track

PO Box 635
Nowra NSW 2541

02 4421-2332
02 4421-7107
Track Details
All weather loam/sand
365m, 520m, 630m, 720
Racing Information
Races are held on Monday afternoons apart from the months of June and December.

Kennelling Time
Kennelling is between 3.15pm and 4.00pm for the forst race at approximately 4.30pm.
Public trials are held on Wednesdays from 7.30am until 8.30am, Fridays from 7.00pm until finished, Sundays from 8.00am until 9.00am and Monday nights after the last race.

Private trials are held on Wednesdays from 8.30am until 9.30am.