Australian Greyhound Racing

Armidale Greyhound Racing Track

Armidale Dog Track
The Armidale Greyhound Racing Track is located on the corner of Braney and Canambe Streets at Armidale. Car parking is available at the track. Kennelling is available at the track, but there are no camping facilities for trainers/owners.

Bookmakers are available at local race meetings but there are no TAB facilities available at the track.
Armidale Greyhound Racing Club
Armidale Greyhound Track

PO Box 243
Armidale NSW 2350

02 6771 4299
02 6772 4035

Track Details
Rail Lure
365m, 440m, 612
Racing Information
Race meetings are held on saturday daytimes. A veterinary service is available at the track. The kennels are two-tiered and are not air conditioned.
Nomiantiosn for race meetings close at 9.30am on the Tuesday before racing at the track. Boxes are drawn at around 10.30am on Wednesdays.
Kennelling Time
Kennelling times are from 12.30pm until 1.15pm for the frist race at 2.00pm.
Trials are held at the track on Tusedays from 6.00pm and on Sundays from 10.00am when not racing on Saturday. Trials are available into the pen or on the arm and are available as solo, half-field or full field over all distances.